Steam vr bundle

Steam vr bundle

Created by and for VR believers when nobody else dare these trailblazing titles were VRs first critical hits. Our mission is to support charity while providing awesome content to customers at great prices. Displaying both groundbreaking technology and the promise of future potential, these games still make people go WHOA.

All games includes achievements and trading cards. The game licenses are fully compatible with the Steam PC Caf Server. The VR Starter Bundle includes one commercial license per game listed. This is a list of all games available in current game bundles - automatically updated every time a new bundle is added on Epic Bundle. Blasters of the Universe is perhaps the best bullet hell style wave shooter weve seen in VR yet.

We hope you find some games you like.

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Click here for additional information about the Steam PC Caf Program. Since 201 Humble Bundle customers have given over 16000to charity. Title: CROTEAM VR Bundle Genre: Action, Indie, Adventure Developer: Croteam VR, Croteam Publisher: Devolver Digital, Croteam, Croteam Publishing Franchise: Serious. Those Damn Aliens is a VR wave based first person shooter with campaign and survival modes.

Cosmic Trip is a creative and unique real-time strategy game thats played entirely in first-person.

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Those Damn Aliens VR: Aliens have boarded your ship It s time to take arms and defend yourself from the incoming hive. Title: Serious Sam VR Bundle Genre: Action, Indie Developer: Croteam VR, Croteam Publisher: Devolver Digital, Croteam, Croteam Publishing Franchise: Serious Sam. Use the bookmarkable games filter to show only the games on the platform you want to see.

The disc-throwing mechanics are really fun and addictive. May 3 20VR MegaPack Bundles Four Games On Steam For Discount. Indie Gala Virtual Reality XL Bundle is live this VR bundle collects awesome Steam games including Tengutana and Dark Mechanism for plus more games for 9. May 3 20Some of VRs groundbreaking developers blazing a new trail with early VR releases are providing a lower-priced bundle on Steam.

Humble Bundle sells games, books, software, and more.

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If a game is bundle its your chance to get this for an unbelievably low price. The VR Pioneers bundle costs around 12 or percent. Dec 2 20Gitarre spielen lernen - Gitarrenakkorde verzieren - A Powerchord - Duration: 17:59.

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